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Sunday, May 1, 2011


dear Friends, WELCOME BACK (actually for me myself) ketike anda mmbace pos ini sy mgkin  telahhh............ abis paper exam atau mgkin sedang...ape2 pun 2 more to go...as uSUAL i forget ma password again hu2 pity me.im such a careless girl that u ever knoe. thiS disease put me into trouble n hARM. along my struggles in facing the exam i thought i just take it easy while i shouldn't  have do that. but one thing for sure i'll never despair coz i really hates the words L.O.S.E.R...THATS all smoga ketemu lg yokk....salam syg mimi.eh2 lupa the pic above was taken at Tanjong Vista as the teslian were having annual dinner...:)
sy suka solekkan ika maisara, hajar arfa, nur fatihah and poyo too but it was not exaggerate coz for me less is more....:>


  1. mimi kamilah.. i love ur word.. Less is more..:D

  2. erm,..aggp aq xde jela eh dlm gmbr ni..sbb mmg aq tba2 g nyelit pn kt gmbr korg time ni..haha
